Eileen Dean, MA, MN, MS, RN, is a Nurse Specialist in Prehospital Medicine. She has instructed primary and continuing EMS education for over 25 years. Eileen also serves as Regional Faculty for American Heart Association at the BLS, ACLS and PALS level.


CE Hours
Advanced: 1
Basic: 1
First Responder: 1

Complications of Gestation and Childbirth

By Eileen Dean, MA, MN, MS, RN

This one-hour continuing education course discusses assessment and treatment of the more common complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Discussion includes ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, placenta previa, uterine rupture, preeclampsia, prolapsed cord and cord around the neck, meconium staining, thermoregulatory and cardioventilatory difficulty, prematurity, malpresentation, hemorrhage, sepsis and emboli. This course is appropriate for both basic and advanced providers.

Author: Eileen Dean, MA, MN, MS, RN


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